Einstein Series - ca. 1975 - a portraitfoto of Albert Einstein
that was digitalised and transformed.
Green Series - ca. 1975
Colorraster 75 - 1975 - an edition of the pictures was printed
with one of the first ink jet printer available in Europe.
Cascade - 1978 - Live transformation of music into graphics:
the underlying program for a Apple II GS converts sounds in relation
to the frequencies into pictures.
Mondrian Series - 1980 - phase pictures from an interactively
controllable operational sequence with soundeffects - a work ordered
by the Texas Instruments company as basis for a program module.
Citylights Series - 1980
Hommage à E.M. - 1989 - real time distorted ballet
scenes are the basis for a performance dedicated to Edwaerd Muybridge.
Premiere was at the artware in Hannover.