Qualitative, Dialectical and Experiential Domains
of Electronic Art
Rejane Spitz (educator, researcher, artist), Department of Arts, Pontificia
Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro, Rua Marques de Sao Vicente 225,
CEP 22453900, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
This paper was presented at the Fourth International Symposium on Electronic
Art (FISEA 93), Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A., 3-7 November 1993.
This article draws attention to the critical
role of electronic artists in the light of an examination of the differences
between the First and Third Worlds. The author suggests that electronic
artists are opening new avenues for the use of computers as a human-centered
technology by taking into account the complexity of human-machine relationships
in a socio-cultural perspective. Artistic experiments are giving rise
to combinations of the expressive potentials of human natural languages
(which extend over aesthetic, metaphoric, artistic, affective and moral
domains) and the objective, quantitative and procedural characteristics
of computer-related languages. The author proposes that, in a world of
social, cultural and economic disparities, the contemporary electronic
artist's major struggle must be for balance between uniqueness and uniformity.
This paper is published in Leonardo,
Vol 28, No 4, pp. 319-323, 1995
Permission: sought
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Essay to come